1. Registration Info
2. List of Directors
3. List of Machineries
4. Attachments
5. Declaration
6. Payment & Submit
Company Information
If you don't know the exact code, please select from the list.
Information of Principal Promoter/Chairman/Managing Director/CEO/Country Manager
Office address
Factory address
Please specify your desired office. *

N.B.: Select your preferred office division and factory district to select your desired office.

Registration Information
1. Project Status
2. Annual Production Capacity
Name of Product * Unit of Quantity * Quantity * Price (USD) * Sales value in BDT (in million) * #
3. Date of commercial operation
4.Sales (in 100%)*
5. Manpower of the organization
Local (Bangladesh only) Foreign (Abroad country) Grand Total Ratio
Executive Supporting Staff Total (a) Executive Supporting Staff Total (b) (a+b) Local Foreign
6. Investment

Fixed Investment

Land (Million)
Building (Million)
Machinery & Equipment (Million) *
Others (Million)
Working Capital (Three Months) (Million)
Total Investment (Million) (BDT)
N.B : Maximum PDF file upload size 2MB
Total Investment (BDT)
Dollar exchange rate (USD) * Exchange Rate Ref : Bangladesh Bank. Please Entry Today's Exchange Rate
Total Fee (BDT)
7. Source of Finance
Local Equity (Million)
Foreign Equity (Million)
Total Equity (Million)
Local Loan (Million)
Foreign Loan (Million)
Total Loan (Million)
Total Financing Million (Equity + Loan)
Total Financing BDT (Equity + Loan)
Country wise source of finance (Million BDT)
Country * Equity Amount * Loan Amount * #
8.Public Utility Services*
9. Trade License Details